

How you feel

We’ve been trying to conceive for years now. We’ve taken all the right steps: used a fertility calendar, purchased ovulation kit after ovulation kit, gone to a fertility clinic, and tried artificial insemination as well as in vitro fertilization. But I still can’t get pregnant. I feel depressed, like I’m less of a woman because I can’t conceive. I feel like I’ve let my husband down. We’ve spent so much money and wasted so much time, all for nothing. I’m not getting any younger and my chances of getting pregnant feel like they’re dwindling. It would be soul-crushing to never have this opportunity. I am already a mother at heart—I just don’t have a baby.

The challenge of infertility

Infertility, and everything that goes along with it (emotional stress, financial strain, marital tension, etc.), can be extremely overwhelming and very stressful. You more than anyone know that the body is fickle. What you might not know is the body will always put managing stress first before building sex hormones, thus creating a vicious and compounding cycle: trying to get pregnant, not pregnant, stress, trying again, not pregnant again, even more stress.… This can affect both female and male fertility.

The causes of infertility

  • Gastrointestinal and gut health issues
  • Chronic inflammation from a diet high in sugar and processed foods
  • Adrenal fatigue due to emotional stress, dietary stress, and/or pain and hidden inflammation
  • Toxins derived from direct and indirect contact with everyday sources

Functional medicine for infertility

Conventional medicine treats based on symptoms. For infertility, the symptom is hormonal imbalance—low estrogen, testosterone and/or progesterone. Most likely you’ve already tried the western medicine model for infertility: prescription Clomid to stimulate the ovaries to release eggs, specifically scheduled and regimented sex in order to fertilize the eggs, and progesterone shots (if pregnancy occurs) until the placenta is formed. But treating the symptoms doesn’t always work.
Functional medicine will look for the root cause of your infertility to determine the reason for your hormone imbalance. I will listen to you and complete a full evaluation with diagnostic testing. I will fix your hormone imbalance through diet, exercise, and supplements as needed. You can get pregnant, and I can help.
Sound like you and the “two of you” that you want to be? It’s time to take control. Click below to learn more.

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