Hormone Balance 


How you feel

I feel like I’m in a constant state of PMS (or menopause!). I’m exhausted all the time, I’m moody, and I cry at the drop of a hat. I’ve experienced unexplained weight gain and I feel fat. I’m depressed, which makes me crave sweets, bread, sugar, carbs and chocolate (especially around my period). Eating them makes me gain more weight and have gas and bloating. My sex drive is totally gone. This all makes me feel more depressed. I need coffee to bring me up in the morning and a few glasses of wine to unwind in the evening. To top it all off, my real PMS is out of control. Could this be early menopause? When I told the all this to the doctor, all he did was put me on the pill.

The challenge of hormonal imbalance

Hormonal imbalance in women is the product of an incorrect relationship between the body’s female hormones (progesterone and estrogen). This does not occur on its own—it is directly impacted by daily life balance. When the body is under any kind of stress, it reacts by producing cortisol (the stress hormone). The more stress, the more cortisol. This can lead to imbalances in hormone levels throughout the body, wreaking havoc on daily health and wellness.

The causes of hormonal imbalance

  • Emotional stress
  • Dietary stress due to consumption of inflammatory foods or excess carbohydrates
  • Pain and inflammation, often gastrointestinal 
  • Liver problems leading to poor detoxification of the body
  • Too many imitation estrogen hormones (xenoestrogens) from food and everyday products

Functional medicine for hormone balance

Hormone imbalance symptoms can look different from person to person. For women, the daily rhythm of cortisol production influences the monthly cycle. If you experience chronic stress, your cortisol levels go up and your progesterone can start to drop, creating an imbalance. Functional medicine will help you discover the root causes of your symptoms and why your body is under such stress.
Everything you do impacts the body’s foundations of health: digestion, detox, and neuroendocrine systems. I will complete a full evaluation and order testing specific to you and your body’s symptoms. With the results, I will create an individualized nutrition plan including supplements as needed. I will treat the root cause of the hormone imbalance, not just the symptoms. I will help your body heal itself.

Sound like you and the “you” that you want to be? It’s time to take control. Click below to learn more.
Hormone Balancing

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